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Symbols & Myth

The Ecclesia Theurgica Apostolica Rosae+Crucis is primarily a Christian and theosophic congregation. 


Its symbols and mythological themes are Christian. This does not mean that we do not find the same truths in other religions, but that we do of cultural and aesthetic reason use a Christian language in our work and practices. We do not demand that our members have a religious faith in the historical person Jesus from Nazareth, but we do demand that they are comfortable using Christian symbols in their esoteric work. 


As mentioned above is the ETAR+C primarily theosophic in opposition to Gnostic. The difference between these two is first and foremost this: Theosophic Christianity is the result of an alchemical interpretation of the bible, while Gnostic Christianity is a dualistic interpretation of the bible. 


Members who are interested in working purely Gnostic will be given the opportunity to do so after completion of the Minor Orders.


The Ecclesia Theurgica Apostolica Rosae+Crucis’s official myth is explained in the minor orders of Lector, Exorcista and Accolitus. Here will the candidate take part in the myth on an intimate level. The unique theosophic myth of ETAR+C stands in the traditions after Böhme and von Welling.


We do believe that myths are more suited means to convey sublime esoteric Mysteries than pure symbols. Therefore are all minor orders based upon different mythological images and archetypes. These are more often than not unspoken in the rituals but can be essential keys to unlock deeper levels of understanding in the ordinations to some. Of this reason do we repeat these mythological images here for your contemplation:

  • The ordination of clericus takes place in the temple of Solomon – this is a cult of the Divine Wisdom;

  • Ostiarius demonstrates Abraham’s ascension to Mount Moriah – here is the mystical union celebrated;

  • Lector demonstrates the world as it is understood in the garden of Eden before the fall, here do we adore the Harmony of the Worlds and man as a spiritual being;

  • Exorcista has the fall, and the garden of Eden after the fall, as its main theme – the order of exorcista is a spiritual knighthood fully devoted to our Lady Sophia;

  • Accolitus elaborates further upon the motifs from exorcista and here is also the nature of Man fully exposed for the first time – here do we celebrate the marriage of heaven and hell. 

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