Ecclesia Theurgica Apostolica Rosae XCrucis
An Ecclesia of Initiates
Visita Interiora Terra Rectificando Invenies Occultum Lapidem!
Ecclesia Theurgica Apostolica Rosae + Crucis (ETAR+C) literary means the Theurgical and Apostolic Church of the Rose Cross. Its higher ordinations are those of the Theosophia Apostolica Rosae Crucis of 1796 – that is the Apostolic Theosophy of the Rose Cross – an old Rosicrucian church. The ETAR+C is the Silent Chamber within our Rosicrucian body , and it perpetuates the core of the Rosicrucian tradition, both mystical and theurgical.
O Lord, from Thine Hand cometh all Good, all Grace and all Blessing;
The characters of Nature hast Thou traced with Thy fingers;
But none can read them unless he hath been taught in Thy school.
O Lord our God, who shalt not extol Thee?
O Lord of the Universe, Who should not praise Thee?
O Lord, Who shalt not know Thee?
All is from Thee;
All is of Thee;
Into Thee must all again re-enter!
Thou art Lord alone and there is none beside Thee!
O Lord of the Universe, whose dwelling is Heaven without,
whose Temple is the Heart within!
O God the Vast and the Mighty One,
Thou art in all things, and all things art in Thee!
O Thou Self of Nothing!
For what else can I call Thee?
In myself I am nothing but Self;
In Thee I am the Self of Nothing.
Live Thou in me and bring me to that Self which is in Thee!